
Our Visit here to this unique piece of paradise in BC has been highlighted with some great trail running.

— Trail-running

Our visit here to this unique piece of paradise in BC has been highlighted with some great trail running. In fact, as a life long runners we selected Nipika because of the access to trails for running. We currently live in Missoula Montana which is home to many trails and a vibrant running community including 1400 members of the organization I am part of, Run Wild Missoula. I have also lived and ran for 2 summers in the Rocky Mountains in Colorada, the trails here at Nipika are incredible!! Today while running on the Kootenay Krusher trail, I just loved it. We saw wildlife, incredible scenery, varied terrain, and in sum it is a great trail for enjoying the land. I would recommend it (and the numerous other trails) in the area for runners, bikers, hikers and others traveling on two feet. This is a unique area, and we hope to be back soon. Great trails that allow runners the chance to experience the Rockies are special, so I hope these can be maintained and available for those visiting and living in the area. Thanks for a great visit and great place!

Darr Tucknott June 19, 2012, Missoula, Montana

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