Our Visit here to this unique piece of paradise in BC has been highlighted with some great trail running.
Our visit here to this unique piece of paradise in BC has been highlighted with some great trail running. In fact, as a life long runners we selected Nipika because of the access to trails for running. We currently live in Missoula Montana which is home to many trails and a vibrant running community including 1400 members of the organization I am part of, Run Wild Missoula. I have also lived and ran for 2 summers in the Rocky Mountains in Colorada, the trails here at Nipika are incredible!! Today while running on the Kootenay Krusher trail, I just loved it. We saw wildlife, incredible scenery, varied terrain, and in sum it is a great trail for enjoying the land. I would recommend it (and the numerous other trails) in the area for runners, bikers, hikers and others traveling on two feet. This is a unique area, and we hope to be back soon. Great trails that allow runners the chance to experience the Rockies are special, so I hope these can be maintained and available for those visiting and living in the area. Thanks for a great visit and great place!
Darr Tucknott June 19, 2012, Missoula, Montana
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